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Monday, December 22, 2014

What is the right color for Disneyland Dark Rides?

Just increasing the Exposure
 These are both the same picture, the first one is right out of the camera with the only adjustment being an increase in the Exposure.  The shot was taken with the following settings: Nikon D800, 1/125, f/2.8 ISO 5000, 200mm  It came out very dark so I increased the exposure but it has a lot of unnatural light.  In the dark rides they flood each scene with hash lights.  In the POTC it is usually red (as they want to give you the idea that things are burning) and yellow.  In the Haunted Mansion it is green and blue.  It's A Small World changes from scene to scene and some areas actually change in color gradually over time.

After adjustments
Normally you do not notice these hash lights.  Your eyes and brain have a way of filtering them out.  Sadly a camera is not able to do that, so when we take a picture everything that is there is what we start off with.  People can take pictures and look at them and say "that is not how I remembered that scene".  Which is true because your eyes have an amazing way of allow you to see what you want to see.

On the second one I changed the orange Hue more to the yellow end, reduced the saturation of Orange, Yellow and green and lowered the Luminance of Orange to blend in with the yellow that was left.  I added some noise reduction but not a lot otherwise a lot of the detail would be gone.  I increased the blacks and shadows and lowered the highlights (the skull was getting blown out) and increased the contrast. (All adjustments were done in Lightroom). You can click on them to see a larger version, keep in mind that I did reduce the size and pixel count of these to upload them so you are not going to see what would be actually printed).

I have to say that I still do not like the shot very much.  I can adjust the amount of blue in the background and change the Luminance of it.  It also needs to have some color added back into it.  But the idea is to try and get to something that would look normal.  This is a start.  Another question is, what is the right color, what colors are we trying to get with the finished picture?  Do we want what would be there is there were no hash lights?  Maybe, but the lights also provide some additional "feeling" to the scene so we do not want to remove them completely.

I think it boils down to, what colors do you want to see.  When you look at a picture the question should really be, do you like it?  Does it appeal to you?  And if it hits those marks then it is a good picture no matter what the final colors are.

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